Some Film Reviews

Despite this film being pretty old, it has to be one of the scariest I've ever watched. It's incredibly suspenseful and the way that it releases tension just to build it back up again really makes the scares all the more effective.

Amazing film, it's so well-balanced in it's visuals, the way it builds up tension, and the lasting emotional impact that left me thinking about this film for days. Minor spoilers - there's a scene in which a pigeon dies and ever since then, I've seen more dead pigeons (and birds in general) in the past month than I ever have before, which is eerie.

I wish I could've liked this film more, I really do. I appreciate the visuals for this film - it's a really interesting concept to have a horror film take place in a primarily daytime and very colourful setting. The opening sequence was incredibly engaging but I felt like I was waiting for 'the twist' for the entire duration.

This film kept me really tense, like I was constantly bracing myself for a jumpscare due to the near total darkness in most of the scenes. The opening scene was so eerie and horrifying. I felt like the end reveal was kind of predictable though, and I wish the film lasted for an extra 10-20 minutes so they could push it even further and go somewhere darker with a twist.

Didn't like where this film went at all. The ending infodump was so unnecessarily convoluted and very 'tell' not 'show'. I loved the build-up alongside the camera work which constantly draws your attention to Harker's surroundings. I felt like Longlegs (the character) should have been more creepy than he actually was.

CW: mention of sexual assault
Overall a nice film to watch. I'm usually not a fan of horror films where the protagonist has to 'fight' the monster, but I felt like this film did it in a way that it still ended up being very suspenseful to watch. I personally interpreted this film as a metaphor for sexual assault, especially in the aftermath of Jay's kidnapping (for lack of a better word) at the start.
I felt like this theory is enforced through the parallel between how it ended badly when Jay passed it on to Greg, who didn't really understand nor believe her situation, versus how the film ended on a hopeful note when she passed it to Paul, who understood and believed in the entity.