
I've come to realise that I love trying limited edition, seasonal drinks. After trying a festive spice latte from Costa, I realised that this strange passion could actually become a talking point for my site


Nero Pistachio Latte

3/5. This could have been better if it didn't have random pistachio chunks in it. Also, I should have bought a small one instead of large, since I felt kind of sick by the end (although I admit that's my own fault). Thanks to the person at the till who let me have free chocolate though, the vibes are so good in my local Nero.

Blank Street Pistachio Latte

4/5. Drinking this felt like getting hugged by a man made out of pistachio. This was so good, and it didn't have any surprise chunks in it, which is always a positive.

Starbucks Creme Brulee Latte

Amazing, 5/5 drink. I remember feeling the beginning of a sore throat and then drinking this anyway just because it was so good.

Starbucks Strawberry Matcha Latte

The strawberry cream part of this was really good. The matcha part, not so much, although I'm not the best match for matcha (see what I did there?). Overall, 3/5 (although keep in mind my bias against matcha).

Pret Gingerbread Latte

Pretty decent. It's similar to the PSL for me, I'd give it a solid 3/5.

Blank Street Banana Bread Matcha Latte

4.5/5. This is so good that it overcame my mixed feelings towards matcha.

Matcha Latte (miscellaneous)

This a general statement rather than for a specific drink. I want to like matcha lattes so much, but it never works out for me... Special shoutout to Pret's Rice milk Matcha, truly one of the few 0.5/5 ratings from me. Why would you get rid of milk as a menu option and keep this disgrace?

Costa Festive Spice Latte

I quite literally had this yesterday and I don't remember anything about it. 2/5 for lack of memorability.

Black Sheep Gingerbread Latte

It's a no from me. Something about this drink makes me stomach feel like Vesuvius a few weeks before the eruption. It doesn't really taste as good as the PSL either from Black Sheep, so a 2/5.

Starbucks Lavender Velvet Latte

The coffee was good. The lavender cold foam was good. When mixed together they were kind of meh. However, this is the kind of energy I want from Starbucks. 3.5/5

Pumpkin Spice Lattes

I realised that I've tried so many different pumpkin spice lattes that I need a separate page for them.

Pret A Manger PSL

Overall, a half-decent choice. Pret isn't my first choice for coffee anymore, although I used to drink this religiously before I branched out to different brands. I think it's a solid 3/5 stars. If you're wondering why I ranked it kind of high, wait til you find out my reasons for downgrading the other ones.

Starbucks PSL

2/5 stars. They've overdone it with the 'spice' part, because this just tastes like curry to me (specifically korma). For a brand that is arguably well-known for their pumpkin spice latte, this was disappointing.

Starbucks Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai Tea Latte

4/5 stars. This was really good, it's just that I docked a point since (in my opinion) iced drinks and autumn/winter should never mix.

Puccino's PSL

1/5 stars. Same issue as Starbucks except so much more savoury, somehow.

Blank Street PSL

4.5/5 stars. This is just a joy to drink.

Black Sheep PSL

4/5 stars. While I wouldn't say this is better than the Blank Street PSL, this one tastes unique compared to other pumpkin spice lattes. It tastes very autumnal, and I can get behind that.

Karak chai

Chaiiwala Karak

Pretty darn good. It's the sort of chai you can have before going to bed and still sleep like a baby. 4/5

Chaiiwala Pumpkin Spice Karak

It tastes pretty much the same as the regular chai, but like more round?? It has the same energy as the Starbucks Creme Brulee latte.

Chaiiwala Apple Crumble Karak

Was this chai or a bath and body works candle? 2/5

Chaiiwala Rose Karak

Once I removed the petals (read:potpourri), this was pretty good (although I detail my issues with rose flavouring later on). 3/5

Chapati & Karak: Karak Chai

4.5/5 stars. This is amazing.

Hot Chocolate

I realised that I've sort of moved away from drinking hot chocolate in recent years. It's nice once in a while, but more than that? No way, not anymore. So this section is a tribute to my childhood tradition of drinking hot chocolate.

Costa Black Forest Hot Chocolate

5/5. This is amazing. If bliss could be a drink, it would be this one. Something about the combination of the cream, and the cherry, and the chocolate creates something which, while I wouldn't say is emblematic of Christmas, at the very least represents the feeling of winter. This is a drink that I think everyone should try in their lifetime.

Costa Hazelnut and Praline Hot Chocolate

4.5/5. This is where it all started. My love for hazelnut. Hazelnuts are one of the few things on this earth which I would say are perfect in terms of the natural world (in addition to the golden snub-nosed monkey and phantom jellies). I love hazelnut flavoured stuff - I buy hazelnut ice cream, hazelnut lattes, hazelnut chocolate, the list goes on (it really doesn't). This hot chocolate is amazing, although it's a shame that it was discontinued.

Costa Gingerbread Hot Chocolate

I didn't actually remember this existed until I started researching this topic. While I knew that I had had the hazelnut, and the black forest, and the ruby hot chocolate, this was tucked into some dark corner room of my mind palace. I don't think I can accurately rate this, although it must have been good because, upon reflection, I remember trying to make it at home and adding way too much syrup, meaning it tasted like play dough. Although the fact that I tried to recreate it must mean it was good, right?

Costa Ruby Hot Chocolate

4/5. This didn't really taste like chocolate, but I remember it was bright pink and I can't rate something that essentially succeeded in its purpose (look pink, pretty and taste alright) badly. They really should have rolled this one out during the Barbie movie craze, it would have went down so well. I remember drinking this during lockdown.

Pret Hot Chocolate

3/5. Like most of Pret's drinks, this simply passes by virtue of hitting the bare minimum criteria. While I used to be Pret's biggest fan, the way they changed their subscription service just isn't worth it anymore (although I suspect that their previous subscription terms were leading to them losing money). This is okay, it does well in a pinch, although usually the hot chocolate power just collects at the bottom, forming a disgusting lump of sugar and cocoa powder. In summary, it's alright.

Knoops Hot Chocolate

This one will probably be a hit for the hot chocolate enthusiasts, but for a casual drinker like me, it was a bit much. I think I ordered one of the lowest cocoa percentages, but I remember my throat being coated in a film of chocolate. I got a sore throat. This was around when this first opened near us, so a few years ago. I think they've expanded their range a lot, so I want to try that some point soon. 2.5/5 (affectionate).

Fizzy drinks


While I wouldn't say I'm a patriotic person, there's something about drinking a radioactive green beverage that really instills pride in me for the fatherland. In all seriousness, this is everything I love in a beverage - unnaturally coloured, sweet to the point of feeling your teeth dissolve, and tasting weirdly good when mixed with milk. Someday I want to try this with ice cream - similar to a pepsi float, except I guess a Pakola float? 4/5.

Mango Pepsi

When I bought this, I remember my friends laughed at me and sneered with disgust at the perceived abomination I had bought. Jokes on them, because this was actually kind of good. I feel like this drink caters to the South Asian audience - crazy about pepsi, crazy about mango - so obviously I was drawn in as soon as I saw this drink. It tastes okay, not bad but not something I would drink religiously (although I don't drink fizzy drinks religously either way). Solid 3/5.

Vanilla coke

4/5. The bottle looks nice, the cream coloured label and the brown coke just look nice together. It tastes decent and even though some people say it's too sweet, I think it's good.

Cherry coke

I bought this by accident from a vending machine without realising. So for the first five-ish minutes I seriously thought I had bought expired coke.

Lemon coke

This was good I'd say. Tastes amazing with biryani.

Strawberries and Cream Pepsi

Tastes like strawberry milk. 4/5. I kind of want to try this with strawberry ice cream (like a coke float).

Cream Soda Pepsi

It tastes like cream soda, sure, but for some reason the cola flavouring is the worst part of this. 3/5



This used to be my go-to. A good ol' matcha milk tea. It looks cute, and it's sweet but not too sweet. 3/5 because I've noticed different places do different sweetness levels so it's hard to get it consistent.


It's purple! This has always been a bit much for me. I always start off enjoying it but slowly that feeling wears off into sickness. A friend of mine described it as birthday cake flavour. 2/5 - just not for me.

Brown sugar

My new favourite. I love this so much. It just tastes good. It's a nice, safe option and for good reason. 4/5

Brown Sugar Deerioca Creme Brûlée from The Alley

This is so good I just had to name drop it. While brown sugar is my regular favourite, this is what I drink when I want to treat myself. The wide variety of textures are a little disconcerting at first, but once you get used to it this is truly the most amazing thing I have ever had. 5/5

Rose milk tea

You when an unusual event occurs at the same time as you experiencing something new? And now you associate that sensation with that event? That happened to me when drinking this. I can't have rose-flavoured drinks any more.