Welcome to the lavender field! There are a multitude of things you can do here, including perusing some of my favourite artworks, reading some of the book reviews I've written, or even just saying hello! There are a few 'skeleton sections', which are essentially sections where I'm only really recording things for my own fun, rather than being 'unfinished', so to speak. This site is my personal passion project, and so I hope you enjoy your stay!
Here is the sitemap!
One page I'd recommend: The ART page
To play sound, go to permissions, turn on sound and reload the webpage. To see the playlist click the top right with the three bars.
I'm pretty new to html, so if you're on portrait orientation for any device you're viewing this website with, please rotate it to landscape. It'll look way better. This website is generally responsive, but there may be gaps in some areas...
Last Updated:
Anything new? 
Fixed the sidebar situation
Added halloween page
Changed playlist on SCM music player
Changed playlist on SCM music player + moved charities list into links
Changed the art page to a page of my favourite paintings
Made a new index page, of which the original photo can be found here
Changed name to Sona (somehow the meaning is the same even though the root languages are very different)
Made another font. I think I prefer this one since it's more similar to my own handwriting, and I'd say bigger paragraphs look nicer since it's less thick.
Changed my icon in 'About'. Let me know if the glitch animation is too distracting so I can change it.
Moved about stuff in the sidebar so my extra site pages are more visible while also keeping the credits visible
Fixed the music page so it's actually readable (turns out I had a dodgy link in my style section)
CHATBOX HAS MOVED! Go to the sidebar (you might have to scroll down) and it should be under the credits
Wondering where your button's gone? I made a new section called links which can also be found at the bottom of the sidebar
Goals for this site:
- Space page entries: Stars, blackholes, neutron stars, time travel, planet 9
My Button:
If you want to link my site, please comment on my profile or in my chatbox so I can link you back!